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Jul 22, 2013

Fazilka M.C. From 2008 to 2013

                     Fazilka M.C. President 
                            Mr. Anil Sethi
Mr. Satinder Savi Kathpal                                         Smt. Kamlesh Chugh
Mr. Bajrang Lal Gupta                                              Smt. Kanchan Sharma
Mr. Raghu Nath Rai                                                 Smt. Manju Dhingra
Mr. Ashok Jairath                                                    Smt. Veena Kalra
Dr. Ramesh Verma                                                  Smt. Rani Devi
Mr. Rakesh Dhuria                                                  Smt. Satya Rani
Mr. Ravinder Bhateja
Mr. Neena Ram
Mr. Sham Lal
Mr. Jagdish Verma
Mr. Arun Wadhva
Mr. Radhe Sham
Mr. Davinder Sachdeva
Mr. Harnaik Singh
From- 2008 To 22 July 2013


माल-ए-मुफ्त और दिल-ए-बेरहम

Dainik Bhaskar, Lachhman Dost Fazilka 10th May 2010

जब कभी भी नगर कौंसिल किसी का वाटर सप्लाई का अवैध कनेक्शन काटती है तो छुटभैया नेता भारी शोर करते हैं, लेकिन क्या उन्हें पता है कि इन अवैध कनेक्शनों के चलते नगर कौंसिल को प्रति वर्ष कितना चूना लग रहा है। शायद वह अंदाजा भी न लगा सकें। जी हां, नगर कौंसिल क्षेत्र में वर्तमान में वाटर सप्लाई के करीब 12 हजार कनेक्शन अवैध चल रहे हैं, जिससे नगर परिषद को प्रति वर्ष करीब 1.5 करोड़ रुपए का चूना लग रहा है, वहीं दूसरी ओर जो प्रति माह पानी का खर्च देते हैं उन्हें पानी भी नसीब नहीं होता। एकत्रित जानकारी के अनुसार नगर में वाटर सप्लाई के 11000 रेगुलर कनेक्शन है। नगर कौंसिल वाटर सप्लाई के आम कनेक्शन से प्रति माह 105 रुपए वसूल करती है। इस हिसाब से नगर कौंसिल को अवैध कनेक्शन धारक प्रति वर्ष करीब डेढ़ करोड़ रुपए का चूना लगा देते हैं। इसके बाद रही सही कसर कौंलिस के कर्मचारी निकाल देते हैं जो वाटर सप्लाई का बकाया ही लेने नहीं जाते। वर्तमान में नगर कौंसिल ने करीब 8.5 करोड़ रुपए बकाया लेना है।

कुल जितना नहरी पानी दिया जाता है
नहरी पानी परियोजना से दस महीने में दो लाख 87 हजार गैलन पानी दिया जाता है। नहरी पानी परियोजना द्वारा पानी उपलब्ध करवाने की क्षमता 1.50 लाख गैलन प्रति घंटा है। गर्मी के दिनों में 9 हजार किलोलीटर प्रतिदिन और सर्दी के दिनों में आठ हजार किलोलीटर प्रतिदिन पानी उपलब्ध होता है। इसके अलावा 9 बड़े ट्यूबवैल हैं। इनके पानी की क्षमता 20 हजार गैलन प्रतिघंटा है। इसके अलावा 1200 लीटर प्रति मिनट पानी की क्षमता वाले तीन ट्यूबवैल हैं। इतना पानी होने के बावजूद लोगों तक पानी नहीं पहुंच रहा। शहर में इस समय करीब दस हजार परिवार ऐसे हैं, जिनके घर य अन्य संस्थान में पानी के कनैक्शन कागजों में हैं। हैरानी की बात तो यह है कि दो वर्ष पूर्व शहर में मात्र 8054 ही कनैक्शन थे। इन पर भी लाखों रुपए का बकाया है। एक सर्वे के मुताबिक शहर में 60.15 किलोमीटर वाटर सप्लाई की पाइप बिछी हुई है, जिससे करीब 12 हजार परिवार मुफ्त का पानी पी रहे हैं।
कनेक्शन लेना अब हुआ आसान

कभी वाटर सप्लाई का कनेक्शन लेने के लिये आम व्यक्ति के पसीने छूट जाते थे, लेकिन अब इसे सरल किया जा रहा है। नगर कौंसिल अवैध कनेक्शनों को वैध करवाने के लिए प्रयारत है। कौंसिल अध्यश्र अनिल सेठी ने कहा कि नया कनेक्शन लेने की प्रक्रिया बहुत ही सरल कर दी गई है। अब कोई अधिक फार्मेलिटी नहीं, घर का नक्शा, रजिस्ट्री व 250 रुपए कनेक्शन फीस, 100 कंपेशेशन फीस जमा करवा कर आप का कनेक्शन रेगुलर करवा सकते हैं। यह उन जगहों के लिए है, जहां पर रोड कटिंग नहीं लगती। अगर किसी व्यक्ति का घर 1120 वर्ग फुट से कम है तो उसे रजिस्ट्री व नक्शे के साथ एक शपथ पत्र देना होगा। उन्होंने बताया कि पहले एक व्यक्ति का 1500 रुपए खर्च आता था।

पानी, जो जा रहा है बेकार

कौंसिल की ओर से सुबह शाम आठ घंटे पानी उपलब्ध करवाया जा रहा है। इसके बावजूद कई स्थानों तक लोगों के घरों में पीने का पानी नहीं पहुंच रहा। शहर में करीब 400 टूटियां ऐसी हैं, जो लगातार आठ घंटे ही खुलेआम चलती रहती हैं। उन टूटियों पर पानी बंद करने के लिए प्लग नहीं लगा हुआ। उन टूटियों का पानी इस्तेमाल के बाद बंद नहीं किया जाता। इसके अलावा कई टूटियों में लीकेज है, उनका पानी सीवरेज के दूषित पानी से मिल जाता है।

पर लोगों को इतना ही मिलता है
  • नहरी पानी परियोजना में पानी की क्षमता 2,08700 गैलन 
  • परियोजना से गर्मी में उपलब्ध पानी 9,000 लीटर प्रतिदिन 
  • परियोजना से सर्दी में उपलब्ध पानी 8,000 लीटर प्रतिदिन 
  • शहर में बड़े ट्यूबवेलों की संख्या 09 
  • बड़े ट्यूबावेलों के पानी की क्षमता 20,000 गैलन प्रति घंटा 
  • शहर में छोटे ट्यूबवेलों की संख्या 03 
  • छोटे ट्यूबवेलों के पानी सप्लाई करने की क्षमता 72,000 लीटर प्रति घंटा
कहां जाता है पानी
  • शहर में चल रहे अवैध कनेक्शन 12,000
  • दो वर्ष पूर्व वैध कनेक्शन 8,050
  • इस वर्ष वैध कनेक्शन 10,050
  • प्रति परिवार पानी की क्षमता 100 लीटर प्रतिदिन
  • अवैध कनैक्शनों से नुकसान 2,00000 लीटर
  • बेकार जा रहा पानी 30,000 लीटर
  • रेहडिय़ों पर बेचा जाता है पानी

Jul 20, 2013

Shubham Tourtravels fazilka


Jul 17, 2013

Facts about Fazilka

                                                  Facts about Fazilka
              Five Fazilite have been awarded with Padma Award, highest civilian honour of the country. Late Kanwar Surinder Singh Bedi awarded twice, Padamshri in 1966 and Padam Bhushan in 1972 for playing an important role as deputy commissioner Amritsar during Two wars with Pakistan. Famous veteran singer and actor Fazilite Pushpa Hans in the year 2007 was awarded with Padamshri. World Famous Neurosurgeon Fazilite Dr Jagjit Singh Chopra was awarded with Padam Bhushan in the year 2008 for their valuable contribution in the field of Medicine and in the year 2009 Bhai Nirmal Singh Ragi awarded with PadamShri.


Fazilka Sweet Tosha

Tosha' still a favourite sweet among Pakistani FamiliesFazilka (Punjab), Nov.29 (ANI): Tosha, a traditional Punjabi sweetmeat, has been a favorite with both Indians and Pakistanis for generations, and the small Punjabi border town of Fazilka has acquired fame for making this sweetmeat so popular.
"Tosha" in the regional Punjabi language means happiness and satisfaction. In Fazilka, ass many as 45 large and small units churn out this delicacy.
Traders and manufactures of this delicacy feel Tosha has improved its taste and even its appeal since it was brought to India by their ancestors.
"Earlier it was Pakistan's favourite sweet. After the partition of India, our fathers migrated from Pakistan and started making 'Tosha' in Fazilka. In Pakistan, the manufacturers do not use Khoya (or, dried milk) and cottage cheese. Here we use cottage cheese because it makes the sweet softer and tastier. It is no longer black, but golden brown. Even the taste is much better," says Daulat Ram, a manufacturer.
The residents here gift "Tosha" to their loved ones, while visitors take it away as gift to remember Fazilka. A kilogram of "Tosha" costs about 1.5 dollars and can be safely consumed for at least five days. The big manufacturers even supply the sweets to many in \nIndia and even abroad. Many residents living in Fazilka have developed a strong liking for this sweet. They don't hesitate traveling long distances to grab a bite of it. Some say that it is a symbol of friendship between the two sub continental neighbours. "I have traveled to different parts of the country - Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Goa, but I have never found such sweet anywhere. We prefer to gift 'tosha' to our guests. The best thing about "Tosha" is that it is a symbol of friendship between India and Pakistan," said, Manish Bhateja, a customer. Relations between the two neighbours has warmed in the last 20 months Experts believe that apart from the efforts made by both the governments to speed up the peace initiative, cultural and people to people ties can bring out a new dimension to the relation. (ANI)

Jul 8, 2013

Download Mera Bangla Mere Sache Yar Warga mp3 - Lizten.us

Song dedicated to great city fazilka......great contribution from fazilkas lovers ....sung by dr Vivekkareer .... One like is equal to 1 power of fazilka.....let's see how many fazilka lovers are on Facebook...download it n feel fazilka in ur heart if u r away from our motherland
Download Mera Bangla Mere Sache Yar Warga mp3 - Lizten.us

Jul 5, 2013

Mr. C.S. Nagpal: vice chancellor ansal university gurgaon


Jul 2, 2013

Fazilka shehr Hamara Hai


Fazilka History

Fazilka History

            In 1800, this tract was almost uninhabited. There was no village where Fazilka (the headquarters of the tehsil of the same name) now stands. The riverside country was occupied only by 12 villages of Bodlas, Wattus and Chishtis, who had come over from the other side of the River a few years before. It was left for a long time to the Nawabs of Bahawalpur and Mamdot, who established some small forts. Their common boundary was ill-defined, but was approximately the same as afterwards became the boundary between the parganas of Wattu and Bahak. In 1844, the parganas of Wattu, so called from the principal tribe inhabiting it, and, comprising strip of land running down from the Danda to the Satluj, was ceded by the Nawab of Bahawalpur in exchange for a similar tract given to him on the Sindu frontier, and was attached to Bhattiana. This strip was acquired partly to permit the extension of the customs line to the River, and partly that a political officer might be stationed there to watch the surrounding foreign States of Lahore, Faridkot, Mamdot and Bahawalpur. In 1858, the pargana of Bahak, on the Satluj, lately confiscated from the Nawab of Mamdot, was transferred from the Firozpur District to the Sirsa District. It had been settled by Brandreth in 1857-58 before its transfer. The Fazilka Tehsil was divided in the first Regular Settlement of the Sirsa District, into four parganas, viz (I) Malaut including 129 villages (consisting of the southern portion of the Tehsil, the chief village of which was Malaut, resumed from the Sikh Chief in 1837) (2) Mahajani including 45 villages (consisting of the tract immediately  south-east of the Danda or old bank of the Satluj, resumed from the Sikh chiefs in 1837); (3) Wattuan including 80 villlages (lying north-west of the Danda, down to the Satluj, ceded by the Nawab of Bahawalpur in 1844); and (4) Bahak including 39 villages (also between the Danda and  the Satluj above the pargana of Wattuan).
Events at Fazilka --- Oliver, Assistant Superintendent of Bhattiana, was in charge of  the Fazilka outpost, which he had held since 1848, and had acquired great influenced over the people. The troops stationed there were a small detachment of the 57th Native Infantry and some irregular Cavalry. When a feeling of dissatisfaction appeared among the troops at Firozpur, the Fazilka detachment showed some inclination to breakout. The customs establishment collected at Fazilka from the outposts were bidding their opportunity, willing at any moment to join the disaffected troops, and loudly called for arrears of their pay. Oliver, though uncertain regarding the feelings of the population, called in the most uncertain regarding the feelings of the population, called in the most influential headmen, chiefly Bodlas and Wattus of the Satluj, and with their aid was able to disarm the guard of the 57th Native Infantry. Though their influence, the neighbouring population was prevented from rising and the number of matchlock men they collected and entertained in the service of the British Government overawed the customs peons and other disaffected parties, and with their assistance Oliver was enabled to protect the Town of Fazilka, and to punish and destroy large villages  which were in open rebellion a few days after the first outbreak. General Van cortlandt crossed the Satluj with some police and local levies from Gugera and marched towards Sirsa with Captain Robersion, the Superintendent, who joined him at Malout on 12th June. Order was then restored in the remainder of the District. Oliver tactfully kept down the excited feelings of the people and restrained them from rising again although they were constantly incited to do so by emissaries from ‘Haryana’ and although the troops at his disposal were few and the loyalty of some of them at that time was very doubtful.


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